Thursday, November 11, 2010

Forgotten God-Episode 7


“When we become overly concerned about our appearance, our spiritual reputation, our coolness, and our acceptance, we are living as citizens of this world and not ambassadors.”

I recently talked with my group of students about what it means to be an ambassador. We focused on 2 Corinthians 5 and how when we focus on how we look, how we are accepted, or what others think of us we are thinking of things of this world and not Kingdom things. Ambassadors are only concerned about pleasing the people they represent. They aren’t worried about what they look like or how they are accepted, but the fact that they represent the person/people they are serving.

When we ask Christ to become Lord of our life…we become ambassadors for Him. We live our lives remembering that we are ambassadors for Him and our actions, words and choices reflect Him. When we commit to be an ambassador for Him, we commit to fulfill the Great Commission.

1 comment:

  1. I am reading this book too. Have you read "Crazy Love" by the same author? It is amazing!
